Below is the list of key projects that THRDA has been implementing at present and has already completed in collaboration and partnership with multiple organizations and donors in the areas of human rights, social justice/justice, and rule of law.

  Status Project Duration   Project   Summary Project Location
Ongoing Bridge support for sustained activities & capacity-building in fundraising 1 year

(April 2019 to March 2020)

The overall goal of this intervention is to promote a culture of human rights through the institutionalization of effective social justice delivery mechanisms in Nepal. This project addresses the issues (that THRDA has been working since its inception) in the changed context of federalism in Nepal.


19 districts of Terai and Kathmandu
Ongoing Criminalization of Torture & Enforced Disappearance in Nepal 18 months (April 2019 to September 2020) THRDA, Advocacy Forum and the University of Passau (Germany) are implementing this joint project under the leadership of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) to tackle impunity for past and ongoing serious crimes under international law in the country.


The overall goal of this project is to contribute to combating impunity for crimes of torture and enforced disappearances by promoting criminalisation and the rights of victims to remedy and redress. By the end of the project, victims of torture and enforced disappearance and their relatives can seek redress for the crimes committed against them in through the formal criminal justice system in Nepal.

Province 2 and 5

Strengthening Social Justice through Promotion of Human Rights in the Terai (HURIT)

3 years

(January 2016 to December 2018)

The overall goal of this project was to strengthen the voice of Madhes (Terai region) on social justice issues particularly through legal focus on the state’s obligation to respect and protect human rights without discrimination of any kind.

The main objectives were to reduce the incidents of illegal detention, torture and excessive use of force and to increase accountability of state institutions to ensure promotion and protection of human rights.

For the implementation of the project, THRD Alliance has undertaken numbers of activities such as: –

●     Monitoring of detention centres

●     Post-constitution protest monitoring of excessive use of force

●     Legal aid for HRV victims

●     Training to lawyers and medical officers, etc.

All 19 Districts of Terai regions Jhapa, Morang, Sunsari, Saptari, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara, Parsa, Rupandehi, Nawalparasi, Kapilvastu, Dang, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali and Kanchanpur
Completed Strengthening local capacities and collaboration for peace in Nepal 1 Year (November 2017-September 2018) This project aimed to increase public confidence in state institutions, improve accountability of state institutions and reduce the risk of subnational conflict. The project has four major strands i) Peace Building Capacity, ii) Representative Politics, iii) Accountability and iv) Research. Among them, THRD Alliance led the human rights component under ‘Accountability’ strand. THRD Alliance led the human rights component of the output 3, which aimed to enhance the capacity of human rights to support the communities in peacebuilding activities. 5 provinces and 12 districts

(Kailali, Banke, Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Parsa, Bara, Dhanusha, Siraha and Sunsari, Surkhet, Ilam and Panchthar)

Completed Promoting Human Rights equity and Justice


1 year (July 2012 to June 2013) This project aimed to handle the issues of discrimination and violence that relate to the performance of public administration and judicial institutions. It also aimed to make the state institutions in Terai accountable in addressing long-standing demands for equity and justice.

Key activities:

●     Provide necessary orientations and trainings for young researchers from Terai to broaden their capacity and knowledge both in terms of research and advocacy undertaken by THRD Alliance.

●     Orientation on gender and social inclusion issues and mainstreaming to members of THRD Alliance

●     Research, dialogues and legal activism programs to monitor actual implementation of social inclusion.

16 districts of Terai
Completed Monitoring, Documentation and Litigation of Human Rights Violations in the Terai


 2 years(1st July 2013 – 30th June 2015) The overall goal of the project was to contribute to establishing a culture of human rights in the Terai through the institutionalization of effective social justice. Following were its objectives:

1.To establish a system of regular monitoring, documentation and dissemination of human rights violation cases by local human rights defenders.

2. To raise public awareness through dialogues and enhanced capacity of Youth Human Rights Defenders (YHRDs) to monitor and document human rights violations.

16 districts (Mahottari, Dhanusa, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara, Parsa, Siraha, Saptari, Sunsari, Morang, Nawalparasi, Rupandehi, Kapilvastu, Banke, Kailali, Kanchanpur)