On 31 August 2019,  Terai Human Rights Defenders Alliance organized an assessment workshop in Birgunj for Strengthening civil society and Institutions accountability for social Justice and Human Rights project. There were Sixty One participants from Local Judicial Committee (LJC)  as well as other stakeholders of Bara and Parsa districts.

The main objectives of the workshop was to  assess the understanding of the actors about the power and functions of Local Judicial Committee formed as per the Art. 217 of the constitution of Nepal and its practical implementation status and its practical working knowledge of different judicial committee’s members and challenges they are facing, to discuss the relation between the local judicial committee and the other judicial sector actors.

In the closing session, the participants evaluated the workshop as an important interaction with the judicial sector actors and suggested that they will find a way to explore further opportunities to organize such interactions regularly as it helped them much on practical and theoretical clarity.Thus, THRDA needs to follow up with the province government actors as well as local government to develop procedural guidelines or handbook for easy operation of LJC,with the province government to organise regular consultation between the judicial actors and to engage with the chairpersons (mayors) of the local level for the enhanced cooperation for the LJC members.